Silly TCP server that takes an integer and a power and raises the number to that power, and a client to match: Request: Response: -------------------[ From the client side ]------------------- $ ./tcpcli 9 2 Result: 81 81 $ ./tcpcli 9 3 Result: 729 729 nc + xxd show what the server sends back. Note -e and -n options on echo: $ echo -ne '\x02\x00\x00\x00\x09' | nc 5051 | xxd 0000000: 0100 0000 5100 0238 31 ....Q..81 -------------------[ From the server side: ]------------------- # ./tcpserv server: can't bind local address: Address already in use Oops, another process is listening on this port (5051). It's probably a version of the same server that I left running. Yes, indeed: # ps ax | grep serv 11665 s018 S+ 0:00.00 ./tcpserv 11670 s018 Z+ 0:00.00 (tcpserv) 11672 s018 Z+ 0:00.00 (tcpserv) 11675 s018 Z+ 0:00.00 (tcpserv) 11677 s018 Z+ 0:00.00 (tcpserv) 11679 s018 Z+ 0:00.00 (tcpserv) 11687 s018 Z+ 0:00.00 (tcpserv) 11689 s018 Z+ 0:00.00 (tcpserv) 11691 s018 Z+ 0:00.00 (tcpserv) (Showing up in parens are the defunct children of the parent process.) (Since the parent didn't collect their exist status after they exited, they still clutter up the process table; they are called "zombies".) So kill them all: # killall tcpserv and restart (setsockopt takes care of immediately reusing the port): # ./tcpserv In child, calling process_request read 5 bytes Got num 9 pow 2 Sending back result 81 read 0 bytes In child, calling process_request read 5 bytes Got num 9 pow 3 Sending back result 729 read 0 bytes (Input too short: I sent only 4 bytes, not 5) In child, calling process_request read 4 bytes process_request: truncated inputIn child, calling process_request read 5 bytes Got num 9 pow 2 Sending back result 81 read 0 bytes ^C These should show bytes sent by the clients, except xxd's buffering becomes a problem: # nc -l 5051 | xxd ^C # nc -l 5051 | xxd ^C But something is getting printed! # nc -l 5051 ^C ^^^^^^^^^^ So redirect to a file, then use xxd: # nc -l 5051 > req # ls -l req -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 5 Apr 11 18:09 req # xxd req 0000000: 0300 0000 09 ..... Now I removed one of the htonl's from the client code where I build my request, req.num = num instead of req.num = htonl(num) . Immediately, this bug shows up: (guess what 0x9000000 is): # ./tcpserv In child, calling process_request read 5 bytes Got num 150994944 pow 2 Sending back result 0 read 0 bytes In child, calling process_request read 5 bytes Got num 9 pow 2 Sending back result 81 read 0 bytes ^C Remove other ntohl and htonl's, and a ntohs from client, and see what happens. Understand why.